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Tri-Level Weekend Offers a Tidy Advancing League

Tri-Level is a format consisting of three doubles positions, each at a different NTRP level to form the ‘Team’. Each match is played on three courts, with each court assigned a different rating level. This format allows players to form a team with their friends whose NTRP ratings are at different levels. This weekend league will determine which team advances to sectional playoffs in Las Vegas in November.

Dates: Oct 4 - 6, 2024

Men or Women

3 Doubles (1 doubles of each 3.5 / 4.0 / 4.5)

6 player/team minimum

12 players/team limit

Sectional playoffs in Las Vegas NV

November 15-17

Deadline to Register a Team: September 12

~Participation counts toward NTRP rating.~

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