Your support through Amazon Smile and Smiths Inspiring Donations changes children’s lives

Amazon Smile
Tennis and Tutoring is set up to receive donations through Amazon Smile! Amazon Smile is a program where Amazon users can have a small percentage of their purchases on Amazon donated to the charity of their choice. All you do is make your regular Amazon purchases through and designate Tennis and Tutoring Program as your charity of choice. You receive the exact same low prices, vast selection and convenient shopping experience as (and Amazon Prime benefits for those who are members) with the added bonus that Amazon will donate 0.5% of the price to Tennis and Tutoring! Go to to register and/or select Tennis and Tutoring Program as your charity of choice today!
Tennis and Tutoring is also set up to receive donations through Smith’s Inspiring Donations. Once you register, 5% of all your purchases are sent to Tennis and Tutoring. To register either call 1-800-575-4377 or go on-line to the Smith’s site, go to the Savings and Rewards drop down, go to Inspiring Donations, create and account and then choose Tennis and Tutoring (YY658) as your charity of choice.